Wohnen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel – sozialer Kontext
Issues, where the societal changes become apparent, include changing values, new housing and households forms, digitalization and new technologies, as well ass the changing relation between living and working. The focus lies on the perspective of the inhabitants. What does housing mean for them and how can it contribute to an qualitative day-to-day life? These questions will put in relation with the the perspectives and tasks of architecs, developers, politics and discussed on the base of examples.
2h, 2 ECTS
Koolhaas, R. 1995: ‘Singapore Songlines’, in ‘S,M,L,XL’, Rotterd
Beck U. and Zolo D., 1999: ‘What is Globalization? Some Radical Questions’. Online https://www.juragentium.org/topics/wlgo/en/beck.htm
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Beck, U.1995: Die "Individualisierungsdebatte". In: Schäfers, Bernhard (Hrsg.) Soziologie in Deutschland. Entwicklung, Institutionalisierung und Berufsfelder, Theoretische Kontroversen. Opladen: Leske + Budrich: 185-198.
Schneider, T. & Till, J. 2007: Flexible Housing. Oxford:Routledge
Siehe auch: https://jeremytill.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/post/attachment/37/flexiblearq1.pdf
Galfetti G.G. 1998: Model apartments. Experimental Domestic Cells. Barcelona: GG.